Pandemic Updates & Studio Changes

Pandemic Updates & Studio Changes

Hi, friends - Lauren here again with an update on what we are doing to increase our precautions during the pandemic to ensure your safety and to make sure that business continues to run smoothly.
ย White woman behind bars with celestial pocket watch necklace
As of this moment, there are no restrictions or disruptions occurring that are preventing us from continuing business as (almost) usual. We are both healthy right now, but have decided to make a few changes in our day-to-day operations and wanted to update you! In addition to the normal CDC suggestions (IE don't touch your face, cover your mouth while you cough, etc...) we are taking the following precautions:
  1. We are now disinfecting all tools and work surfaces on a regular basis, using hand sanitizer, and washing our hands multiple times throughout the day, especially while working on your orders.
  2. We are disinfecting each individual product during packaging before shipment. We also have disposable gloves as an added precaution to use when necessary.
  3. We have chosen to self-isolate and limit our movements to the 4 essentials - to the studio, the post office, the store for food and medicine, and outdoors for exercise.
  4. We will be limiting our post office runs to twice a week (most likely Mondays and Fridays.) NOTE: This should not disrupt our current production turnaround times or delivery dates. We are working diligently to be smart and efficient with our time to ensure we still meet your expectations. And if you have an order with a tight deadline and require express shipping upgrades or production rush upgrades, please contact us. We have ways to accommodate. But limiting our daily postal runs to just twice a week will also greatly limit our exposure to communal areas and contact with potential carriers.
  5. If there is even the slightest inkling that has us feeling under the weather in any way, that individual will self quarantine for at least 2 weeks.ย 

Lauren Beacham and Brittany Elbourn of Yugen Tribe in outdoor setting by a lake sitting on a stone wall

I want to personally thank all of you who have sent encouraging words, loving thoughts, and, most importantly, orders our way! This is a very troubling and stressful time for tiny businesses like ours (which I speak about extensively in this blog article) and your support means the world. It very well could be the difference between us staying in business or us being forced to close our doors after almost 13 years of bringing handcrafted goods to the world.ย 
If you are stuck at home, are still receiving income, have an urge to support artists, and want to treat yourself during this stressful time... you know where to find us.ย 
We hope to continue being able to serve our incredible customers for decades to come. Together, we will get through this. Stay safe and healthy, my loves.ย 
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