Earthrise + Our Immense Gratitude

Earthrise + Our Immense Gratitude

There is something so incredibly moving about seeing our little blue world from this vantage point. We are so fragile, so precious, in the vast dark.ย  This striking image inspired an entire planet to take better care of their home and each other, and it also inspired this ring design. On the 51st anniversary of this photo being shared with the world, we wanted to take a moment to celebrate it.
Earthrise Ring - Bill Anders Photo Inspiration, Cosmic Jewelry - Celestial Handmade Earth and Moon Ring by Yugen Tribe
And on this Christmas eve, we also want to take a moment to celebrate YOU - the people on the planet who make a difference in our lives. Thank you for a wonderful holiday season and for all of your support throughout the year. Serving you all is a true joy and pleasure for us both, and we can't wait to see what the new year has in store for us. We already have big plans and are so excited to share them with you soon. Happy holidays!
P.S. Since we're connected, have you considered making your tribe membership official? We have a private and exclusive facebook group just for our VIPs. That means YOU. Join us in here, why don't you!
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